Progressive/ Gothic Metal
Belgian progressive metalband with a gothic twist. Circle Unbroken was formed in 2015 by classical-trained keyboardist/composer Franky De Mangelaere and drummer Martial Bonnetain. They soon found vocalist Marieke Bresseleers who just had finished her vocal studies at Fontys Hogeschool in Tilburg (Holland). They were joined bass player Rutger Meert and guitar players Kevin De Brauwer and Matthias Jacobs. Their debut album "Vincere" was produced by Daan Janzing and is released on April 18th 2016
Belgian progressive metalband with a gothic twist. Circle Unbroken was formed in 2015 by classical-trained keyboardist/composer Franky De Mangelaere and drummer Martial Bonnetain. They soon found vocalist Marieke Bresseleers who just had finished her vocal studies at Fontys Hogeschool in Tilburg (Holland). They were joined bass player Rutger Meert and guitar players Kevin De Brauwer and Matthias Jacobs. Their debut album "Vincere" was produced by Daan Janzing and is released on April 18th 2016