Enemy of Reality (GR) Saturday

Enemy of reality gr @ Female Metal Event21:15 - 22:15 // Small Stage
The tireless Symphonic metallers Enemy Of Reality Official​ from Athens, Greece, will perform for the very first time in the Netherlands at FemME V - Female Metal Event 2018​ after two albums and many European shows and festivals.

Iliana, the soprano known from her participation at The Great Mass by SepticFlesh, is guaranteed to uplift the audience with her voice, while Steelianos, Thanos and Philip deliver tight, heavy riffs, melodic prog elements and a strong stage presence to set the right mood for their storytelling: Ancient Greek themes & myths of rage, sorrow, envy, hatred and love.

‘You may live on, but human you will be no more. May you hang and spin forever.. and may this curse follow you and your offspring until the end of time."